The Web, Zen and Web Design Company
Website owners should think more about website visitors before and when they engage a web design company Melbourne based on a website that resonates with visitors. Think of Zen and nothingness. A website that approaches that state is certainly going to find favor.
Web visitors are getting tired
No, it is not plodding on the internet highway and stopping at various websites to explore each one in detail. Need to sign up to enter? Yuck. Helpful chatbots popping up? Yuck. Unwanted popups popping up in your face? Yuck again. A complicated and menu structure that occupies a major part of precious smartphone screen space is again another thing visitors are getting tired of. What web visitors want is a site that is easy to navigate and gives them maximum information with minimum expenditure of time and effort. Enter zen and minimalism. Less is certainly lots more for visitors. Your web design company Melbourne should certainly be able to give a minimalist zen look to your site for 2020.
Getting maximum for your money
The zen philosophy directly contradicts a certain mindset that wants to get maximum returns for money spent on custom website design. Returns do not mean you want your web designer to put in lots of pages with lots of detailed content that necessitate lots of clicks or taps and scrolling or swiping. Returns do not mean you want to put in an overload of navigation links in an extended menu structure that eats up screen space on mobiles. It does not mean lots of graphic elements. You get maximum for your money when the site looks elegant and visitors love to be there. If they remain they might be tempted to buy. That is what matters and zen design in websites is more likely to bring about more buys through your site in 2020.
Short videos are better
Yes, a page should have videos but not videos that load and start playing automatically. Who is paying for the bandwidth? You do not want peeved customers. Talking of videos it is best to keep videos short, 3 minutes maximum to get maximum results.
Long content is a bore
Yes, you want to explain things in detail and hope customers love detailed explanations and descriptions. Search engines may love it. Customers may not. Customers matter more. Give them condensed extracts that embody the essence of what you want to say and what they want to read.
Visitors do not like these
A spinoff when you travel the enlightened zen way of minimalist web design is that pages load fast. Visitors love it. Platinum Website Design, top web design company Melbourne based, offers minimalist web design that gets you maximum returns.
Web visitors are getting tired
No, it is not plodding on the internet highway and stopping at various websites to explore each one in detail. Need to sign up to enter? Yuck. Helpful chatbots popping up? Yuck. Unwanted popups popping up in your face? Yuck again. A complicated and menu structure that occupies a major part of precious smartphone screen space is again another thing visitors are getting tired of. What web visitors want is a site that is easy to navigate and gives them maximum information with minimum expenditure of time and effort. Enter zen and minimalism. Less is certainly lots more for visitors. Your web design company Melbourne should certainly be able to give a minimalist zen look to your site for 2020.
Getting maximum for your money
The zen philosophy directly contradicts a certain mindset that wants to get maximum returns for money spent on custom website design. Returns do not mean you want your web designer to put in lots of pages with lots of detailed content that necessitate lots of clicks or taps and scrolling or swiping. Returns do not mean you want to put in an overload of navigation links in an extended menu structure that eats up screen space on mobiles. It does not mean lots of graphic elements. You get maximum for your money when the site looks elegant and visitors love to be there. If they remain they might be tempted to buy. That is what matters and zen design in websites is more likely to bring about more buys through your site in 2020.
Short videos are better
Yes, a page should have videos but not videos that load and start playing automatically. Who is paying for the bandwidth? You do not want peeved customers. Talking of videos it is best to keep videos short, 3 minutes maximum to get maximum results.
Long content is a bore
Yes, you want to explain things in detail and hope customers love detailed explanations and descriptions. Search engines may love it. Customers may not. Customers matter more. Give them condensed extracts that embody the essence of what you want to say and what they want to read.
Visitors do not like these
- Chatbots that keep popping up (un)helpfully and irritating visitors by obscuring the view.
- Popups every now and then
- Fonts that are too small.
A spinoff when you travel the enlightened zen way of minimalist web design is that pages load fast. Visitors love it. Platinum Website Design, top web design company Melbourne based, offers minimalist web design that gets you maximum returns.
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